About me

Agnès R.

Many say I inspire people to push further, to not settle for comfort and routine or a stressful, joyless life. I help people discover the creative potential they have inside which motivates them to transform themselves and pursue a joyful, rich life filled with enthusiasm.

I’m not satisfied when I can no longer feel the passion in my personal and professional life. This has led me to constantly transform and reconnect with my inner creativity, to pursue my dreams, which includes living and working in London, travelling to remote places like the Amazon, experiencing love and sexuality consciously and profoundly, as well as working as a director in leading creative agencies, and even starting my own company.

I have more than 15 years of experience in the field of creativity, coaching and personal and professional growth. I’ve studied creative advertising and strategy at universities in Barcelona and London and creative coaching at the Creative Coaching Association in New York City. I have been a practitioner of conscious dance such as Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms, and studied ecstatic dance deejaying with Albert Pala, improvisational theatre with Jessica Walker, the tantra of love and presence with Astiko, and codependency as healing from childhood to today's adult with Ketan. I have gained in-depth knowledge from numerous seminars and courses on therapeutic writing and conscious photography, and have practiced meditation with international masters like Mooji, and studied rapid transformational hypnosis with Marisa Peer.

In my personal and group sessions, I use a combination of everything I have studied and learned to help people connect with their natural creativity and inspire them to make profound changes, to be reborn in every area of their lives.

coaching personal

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