Out-of-the-box coaching®: The methodology to create your life change

The out-of-the-box coaching® method offers you a transformative experience to break barriers and be the creator of the change you desire in every area of your life.

What is out-of-the-box coaching®?

It is an original methodology that guides you on a journey of self-discovery and deepening, breaking down the limitations that prevent you from living a full and authentic life. Through a holistic and creative approach, we will work in four key directions:

1. Magnestic Vision for your life

We will define a clear and magnetic vision for your life in general and for each specific area (personal, relationships, profession, and purpose). This vision will serve as your guide throughout the process.

2. Creative and Holistic Coaching

Combining creative coaching techniques, psychology, and emotional therapy, we will explore your emotions, limiting beliefs, and past experiences to free you from old wounds and connect with your deepest essence.

3. Authentic Self-knowledge:

Through self-inquiry and practical exercises, I will help you to know yourself in depth, without judgments or evasions, so that you can make conscious decisions aligned with your values.

4. Impact on the World:

You will discover your life purpose and how you can contribute positively to your environment, generating a significant impact on the people around you and in the world.

Ready to step out of the box and create the life you desire?

Contact me to schedule your discovery session and embark on your transformation journey with
out-of-the-box coaching®!

coaching personal

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