Create Roots

The art of living is changing leaves without losing roots

Repairing family wounds is an act of self-love. By embracing our pain and letting go of blame towards ourselves or others, we open the door to authentic, nurturing, and freer relationships not only with our family members, but with all our relationships.

Imagine freeing yourself from the patterns that tie you to the past and building deep and lasting bonds of love today, both with your family and with your romantic and friendship relationships. Visualize creating a solid support network, where you feel understood and unconditionally loved, and where you can be yourself.

By healing your roots, you empower yourself to create the future you desire. Honoring your parents, even if they are no longer present, gives you the confidence and courage to build your own family project in your own way, with or without children, based on love and genuine connection.

It’s time to transform pain into love and create strong roots for your own family project!

Self-discovery process through individual creative coaching sessions to Create Roots

After our initial discovery session, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery guided by me and based on the unique out-of-the-box coaching® method. This method encourages you to step outside your comfort zone to create strong family roots and build more nurturing relationships. We will transform limiting beliefs, connect with your emotions and body, and find your life's purpose. Through exercises in curious dialectical inquiry, emotional awareness, body movement, and other creative experiences, you will reconnect with your family system and awaken your creative energy to build the family you desire, on your own terms.

We will explore the following themes to Create Roots

1. Your Emotional Inheritance

We will explore the wounds of your inner child that prevent you from loving and connecting. We will identify and release resentment and anger towards your family that block your ability to open your heart.

2. Creating a Healthy Bond with the Feminine

We will delve into your relationship with the feminine (especially with your mother). We will explore and release repressed emotions from childhood to embrace the feminine side in ourselves and thus be able to nourish ourselves with love.

3. Creating a Healthy Bond with the Masculine

We will delve into your relationship with the masculine (especially with your father). Together, we will attend to past wounds with the masculine in order to understand them and thus be able to open ourselves to the world and expand.

4. Creating a Healthy Bond with the Feminine and Masculine

We will explore other important relationships for you such as daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, or grandparents. In this way, we will organize your family tree together.

5. Integration of the Masculine and Feminine

After exploring the bonds with the feminine and masculine, we will learn to nurture both aspects within ourselves, finding the balance between giving and receiving in our relationships.

6. Creating Your New Family

By reconnecting with your family roots, you will strengthen your place in the world and feel the support that drives your vital force. With confidence and love, you will build healthy and fulfilling relationships, creating the family project you desire.

Self-discovery process through individual creative coaching sessions to
Create Roots

After our initial discovery session, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery guided by me and based on the unique
out-of-the-box coaching® method. This method encourages you to step outside your comfort zone to create strong family roots and build more nurturing relationships. We will transform limiting beliefs, connect with your emotions and body, and find your life's purpose. Through exercises in curious dialectical inquiry, emotional awareness, body movement, and other creative experiences, you will reconnect with your family system and awaken your creative energy to build the family you desire, on your own terms.

We will explore the following themes to repair the bond with your family:

1. Your Emotional Inheritance

We will explore the wounds of your inner child that prevent you from loving and connecting. We will identify and release resentment and anger towards your family that block your ability to open your heart.

2. Creating a Healthy Bond with the Feminine

We will delve into your relationship with the feminine (especially with your mother). We will explore and release repressed emotions from childhood to embrace the feminine side in ourselves and thus be able to nourish ourselves with love.

3. Creating a Healthy Bond with the Masculine

We will delve into your relationship with the masculine (especially with your father). Together, we will attend to past wounds with the masculine in order to understand them and thus be able to open ourselves to the world and expand.

4. Creating a Healthy Bond with the Feminine and Masculine

We will explore other important relationships for you such as daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, or grandparents. In this way, we will organize your family tree together.

5. Integration of the Masculine and Feminine

After exploring the bonds with the feminine and masculine, we will learn to nurture both aspects within ourselves, finding the balance between giving and receiving in our relationships.

6. Creating Your New Family

By reconnecting with your family roots, you will strengthen your place in the world and feel the support that drives your vital force. With confidence and love, you will build healthy and fulfilling relationships, creating the family project you desire.

What benefits can I find in this journey to Create Roots?

• Reconcile with your family past and find inner peace to open yourself to love and build more loving and profound relationships.

• Develop your ability to create healthy and nurturing bonds with your family, partner, and friends.

• Feel worthy of love and thus be able to create lasting and fulfilling relationships.

• Recognize your value and your place in the world, overcoming challenges and building a solid support network.

• Create your own family, free from painful patterns and full of peace and love.

coaching personal

Total Amount: €0.00

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