Create Meaning

Follow your passion, follow your heart and what you need will come

If stress or monotony dominate your professional life, it’s time to embark on a journey of inner transformation. Discover your true passions and talents, those that fill you with energy and drive you to create a meaningful and purposeful professional project, whether self-employed or working for someone else. To achieve this, you need to find confidence in yourself, feel worthy and valid to make decisions and make the changes you desire, without letting yourself be paralyzed by the criticisms of your inner critic. Prioritize yourself and your dreams over the expectations of others; this is the key to building a professional life that you are passionate about and that makes you thrive.

Self-discovery process through individual creative coaching sessions to
Create Meaning in Your Profession

After our initial discovery session, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery guided by me and based on the unique out-of-the-box coaching® method. This method encourages you to step outside your comfort zone to create a profession that you are passionate about and that is full of meaning. Through transforming limiting beliefs, connecting with your emotions and body, and discovering your soul, we will awaken your creative energy to build a fulfilling and meaningful career. We will utilize exercises in curious dialectical inquiry, emotional awareness, body movement, and other creative experiences to reconnect you with your passion and help you design a career that you love.

We will explore the following themes to Create Meaning

1. Expectations that Distance Us from the Profession We Desire

We will explore the expectations imposed since childhood that led you to give up your true passions, in order to recover them and live a more authentic professional life.

2. The Wound of Not Being Enough that Diminishes Our Confidence:

We will delve into the wound of not feeling valid and observe that we are more than what makes us feel in-sufficient. Together we will recover your confidence to do something that truly fulfills you.

3. The Inner Critic and Judge that Holds Us Back from Taking the Leap

We will explore the criticisms of your inner judge, and together we will manage the fear of change to have the strength and energy to pursue what fulfills you and excites you.

4. The Natural Talents that Emerge from Our Authenticity

What we most yearn for resides in our hearts. Together we will seek your natural talents and see how we can turn them into giving more meaning to your current profession or creating a new one.

5. Our Passion Turned into a New Professional Meaning

We will delve into what will bring you the most meaning in your profession. Together we will identify what you feel is a real purpose to positively impact the world through your profession.

6. The Action Plan to Give More Meaning to Our Professional Life

Together we will design a time-bound action plan to carry out the key steps to create a meaningful profession, or to give more meaning to your current work.Taking action is key to making our dreams come true.

Self-discovery process through individual creative coaching sessions
to Create Meaning in Your Profession

After our initial discovery session, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery guided by me and based on the unique out-of-the-box coaching® method. This method encourages you to step outside your comfort zone to create a profession that you are passionate about and that is full of meaning. Through transforming limiting beliefs, connecting with your emotions and body, and discovering your soul, we will awaken your creative energy to build a fulfilling and meaningful career. We will utilize exercises in curious dialectical inquiry, emotional awareness, body movement, and other creative experiences to reconnect you with your passion and help you design a career that you love.

We will explore the following themes to create more meaning in your profession:

1. Expectations that Distance Us from the Profession We Desire

We will explore the expectations imposed since childhood that led you to give up your true passions, in order to recover them and live a more authentic professional life.

2. The Wound of Not Being Enough that Diminishes Our Confidence:

We will delve into the wound of not feeling valid and observe that we are more than what makes us feel in-sufficient. Together we will recover your confidence to do something that truly fulfills you.

3. The Inner Critic and Judge that Holds Us Back from Taking the Leap

We will explore the criticisms of your inner judge, and together we will manage the fear of change to have the strength and energy to pursue what fulfills you and excites you.

4. The Natural Talents that Emerge from Our Authenticity

What we most yearn for resides in our hearts. Together we will seek your natural talents and see how we can turn them into giving more meaning to your current profession or creating a new one.

5. Our Passion Turned into a New Professional Meaning

We will delve into what will bring you the most meaning in your profession. Together we will identify what you feel is a real purpose to positively impact the world through your profession.

6. The Action Plan to Give More Meaning to Our Professional Life

Together we will design a time-bound action plan to carry out the key steps to create a meaningful profession, or to give more meaning to your current work.Taking action is key to making our dreams come true.

What benefits can you find in this journey to Create Meaning?

• Identify your true passions and what fulfills you in your current profession.

• Gain confidence and self-esteem to feel worthy of doing what you truly enjoy.

• Deactivate your inner critic and overcome the obstacles that prevent you from making the desired professional change.

• Identify your natural talents and find ways to integrate them into your profession.

• Discover how your work can positively impact the world and generate a significant change.

coaching personal

Total Amount: €0.00

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