Create Abundance

Abundance is your natural state; it can only be found within.

Our conflicts with money stem from limiting beliefs rooted in our childhood and reinforced by negative experiences. Messages like "money is evil" or following models with financial problems create a "financial thermostat" that limits our prosperity. Additionally, our self-esteem and perception of worthiness influence our ability to generate wealth.

To overcome this, it's necessary to reprogram ourselves, transform limiting beliefs and emotions, and adopt healthy financial habits. Changing our internal vision and cultivating a healthy relationship with money, based on gratitude and trust, is key to unlocking our financial abundance and creating a fulfilling and prosperous life.

Self-discovery process through individual creative coaching sessions to
Create Abundance

After our initial discovery session, you will embark on a journey of self-exploration guided by me and based on the unique out-of-the-box coaching® method. This method encourages you to step outside your comfort zone and live with more abundance, by transforming limiting beliefs, connecting with your emotions and body, and discovering your soul. Through exercises in curious dialectical inquiry, emotional awareness, body movement, and other creative experiences, we will create more abundance in your life, step by step.

We will explore the following themes to Create Abundance:

1. Your Inherited Legacy of Abundance from Your Family History:

We will explore the beliefs and experiences inherited from your family history to identify and transform recurring patterns that prevent you from achieving financial prosperity in your life.

2. The Feeling of Unworthiness: An Obstacle to Financial Prosperity:

Lack of self-esteem and the feeling of not deserving love and abundance limit our ability to generate prosperity. Together we will explore the deep-rooted beliefs that prevent you from feeling worthy of financial abundance and transform them.

3. Devaluation as a Lack of Confidence to Generate Money:

The wound of devaluation undermines our confidence and hinders the development of our talents to generate abundance. We will embrace this wound together and work on strengthening your personal security, allowing you to shine and prosper financially.

4. Negative Patterns that Lead to a Detrimental Impact on Finances

We will explore the negative patterns in your relationship with money, such as excessive spending to hide emotions or seek approval and love. Together we will delve into these patterns to avoid repeating them, thus creating a healthier and more prosperous relationship with your finances.

5. The Fear of Abundance:

A Silent Obstacle in Our Path: We will explore together the fear of abundance and success, which can manifest as fear of losing our social circle or being seen differently. We will face these fears so they don't sabotage your path to prosperity.

6. Designing a Plan to Create Abundance and New Habits:

We will design together a personalized action plan to create new habits that lead you to abundance. This plan will include how to manage your thoughts, improve your lifestyle, and surround yourself with abundant people. Together we will build this plan to create abundance in your life.

Self-discovery process through individual creative coaching sessions to
Create Abundance

After our initial discovery session, you will embark on a journey of self-exploration guided by me and based on
the unique out-of-the-box coaching® method. This method encourages you to step outside your comfort zone and live with more abundance, by transforming limiting beliefs, connecting with your emotions and body, and discovering your soul. Through exercises in curious dialectical inquiry, emotional awareness, body movement, and other creative experiences, we will create more abundance in your life, step by step.

We will explore the following themes to
Create Abundance:

1. Your Inherited Legacy of Abundance from Your Family History:

We will explore the beliefs and experiences inherited from your family history to identify and transform recurring patterns that prevent you from achieving financial prosperity in your life.

2. The Feeling of Unworthiness: An Obstacle to Financial Prosperity:

Lack of self-esteem and the feeling of not deserving love and abundance limit our ability to generate prosperity. Together we will explore the deep-rooted beliefs that prevent you from feeling worthy of financial abundance and transform them.

3. Devaluation as a Lack of Confidence to Generate Money:

The wound of devaluation undermines our confidence and hinders the development of our talents to generate abundance. We will embrace this wound together and work on strengthening your personal security, allowing you to shine and prosper financially.

4. Negative Patterns that Lead to a Detrimental Impact on Finances

We will explore the negative patterns in your relationship with money, such as excessive spending to hide emotions or seek approval and love. Together we will delve into these patterns to avoid repeating them, thus creating a healthier and more prosperous relationship with your finances.

5. The Fear of Abundance:

A Silent Obstacle in Our Path: We will explore together the fear of abundance and success, which can manifest as fear of losing our social circle or being seen differently. We will face these fears so they don't sabotage your path to prosperity.

6. Designing a Plan to Create Abundance and New Habits:

We will design together a personalized action plan to create new habits that lead you to abundance. This plan will include how to manage your thoughts, improve your lifestyle, and surround yourself with abundant people. Together we will build this plan to create abundance in your life.

What benefits can you find in this journey to Create Abundance?

• Release negative patterns that hinder your relationship with money.

• Recognize your worthiness and ability to generate financial abundance.

• Manage your emotions effectively to avoid impulsive spending.

• Cultivate the security and confidence necessary to create abundance and achieve success.

• Design a clear and personalized action plan to build a more abundant life.

coaching personal

Total Amount: €0.00

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